Earnings Disclaimer

Disclaimer: No Earnings Projections, Promises, Or Representations

Every effort has been made to accurately represent the 14 Day Coder course and its potential benefits. However, there is no guarantee that you will earn any income using the techniques, skills, or ideas shared in this course. This course is designed to teach coding skills, including Python programming, Linux, and version control, and how to apply them effectively, but individual success depends on factors such as your effort, time commitment, and existing knowledge.

Examples provided in the course materials are intended for educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings or employment. While many students gain valuable skills, the potential to earn or secure a job is entirely dependent on each student’s dedication, practice, and how they apply the skills learned.

The 14 Day Coder course is not a “get-rich-quick” program, and we do not position it as such. It is meant for those willing to put in the effort to learn and improve their coding abilities. Your results may vary, and we cannot guarantee specific outcomes or results. The course is not associated with or endorsed by Facebook, nor has it been reviewed or certified by Facebook. Any mention of third-party tools or platforms is for educational purposes only.

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